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Education, Training, & Coaching

At The Emerging 1% (TE1%), we recognize the vital importance of constant and constant self-development. In today's fast-paced world, if you are not continually improving, you risk falling behind. That's why we emphasize the need to work on ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, in all aspects of our lives.


Through comprehensive education, training, and coaching programs, TE1% helps you excel in all aspects. By focusing on these areas, you will build identity, relationship capital, monetary capital, and acquire teammates with unique skill sets. Enabling our community to reach their potential.

What We Do

We partner with established and growth-oriented businesses across multiple industries worldwide to provide our members with a comprehensive foundation of education, training, and coaching in all aspects of their lives, enabling members to achieve their goals.

Desert Road

Extensive Due Diligence

We have undertaken unparalleled due diligence to partner with the best people across multiple industries. This ensures our members can build their identity, relationship capital, monetary capital, and acquire teammates with unique skills, to achieve their goals.

TE1% Certified

After completing our rigorous due diligence process, businesses and industries that offer expertise in physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual development through education, training, or coaching are certified by The Emerging 1%. These certified partners are then added to our list of endorsed materials, empowering our community members to excel in all aspects of their lives. This enables them to grow their identity, relationship capital, monetary capital, and build teams with unique skills, furthering their ability to accomplish their dreams and goals.

Access to Education, Training, & Coaching

​As a member of TE1%, you will have access to a variety of educational, training, and coaching programs that have been endorsed and certified by TE1%. These programs provide tools that have proven effective in reaching our members goals. If you are placed in one of our high-ticket sales positions, you may even access these resources for free.

While optional, these programs are essential for those truly aiming to achieve their goals. They help you build your identity, relationship capital, monetary capital, and assemble teammates with unique skills. These resources in education, training, and coaching will propel you forward on your journey to success.

Why Go Through TE1%?

TE1% stands out by offering reliable resources in education, training, and coaching. Many people have been negatively impacted by subpar courses, inexperienced coaches, and ineffective training. These poor experiences often lead individuals to avoid further education and training, which can be detrimental in the long run. Continuous learning, practicing new skills, and receiving expert coaching are essential for becoming a professional and an expert in your field. TE1% ensures that their resources are trustworthy and effective, helping individuals avoid the pitfalls of low-quality educational experiences.

Alex Hormozi, Owner of

"The difference between rich people and poor people is the degree to which they attribute or give power to their circumstance."

For Members Only

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The community and its services are only available to members. The process is outlined below.



To join TE1%, please complete the application here in Skool. You will be asked questions about your goals, community services/resources you're interested in, and what about TE1% resonates with you.



Once the success coach has viewed your application and accepted it, you will then be welcomed into the community, having access to a 1%-minded community, experiences, and resources CRITICAL to achieving your goals.



One of our success coaches will view your application and will determine whether or not you are a fit for the community and what we offer.



Once you have access to TE1% services and channels, participate actively within the community, take advantage of community opportunities and resources. Here we'll achieve your goals together.

Build with The Emerging 1% Today

"While we are postponing, life speeds by."

- Seneca

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